MOP will be release on September, the PVP there seems far more challenging, so what is the best arena & battleground class in Mists of Pandaria. Rogues are the very best overall, but DKs have lots of niches and Paladins can lol Vanguard Cleave it up. Warriors are getting a handful of changes that could either make a huge change or almost no change in 4.3, so I won't comment on that just yet.
For best DPS in Mists of Pandaria, I've heard lock can do well. Hard to say, as fear is a very nice tool, but many are immune to it as well. Hunters are generally very good at pvp as well, so I'd imagine they'd be pretty good at arena, especially 2v2 since they're great burst damage.
Ret has decent burst by popping all of it's cool downs, however that burst is easily countered by shaman, priests, mages & hunters who can offensively dispel, or by classes that can CC till they wear off. When those cool downs are down however ret isn't much of a threat because it can rarely get to ranged targets & stay in range long enough to cause trouble.
Its personal survivability is only about the same as other melee as well so the only real reason to bring a ret pally is the off healing which will suck come 4.1 when both their off healing & personal survivability will become a complete joke. Unholy would also be good, not as much burst as warriors or frost spec but you can bypass the majority of a targets armor while staying on them constantly, the pet sacrifice for a heal also gives them insane survivability when stacked with a glyph'd version of death strike.
Overall if you want melee burst go with frost Dk's or fury/arms warriors. Sub rogues can work as well but they need to utilize their CC well to get the most out of the spec.
Anyway, about the best arena & battleground class in Mists of Pandaria, everyone likes different way how to play,yahoo education dictionary international. Somebody could say, that the best is rogue or shaman or whatever. But maybe for them, not for you, because you wouldn't like the play style. Everyone here would say different class, race, talents, etc... Everyone likes something different. Now it depends just on you, if you'll find the right one for you.
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